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my snippets and notes for compact plants phenomics center at WSU

Laser Calibration for Frauenhofer EZRT

octopus 3d scan v1.1, sn:403709


The laser calibration target needs to be scanned at 340 to 140 mm in 10 mm increments. These are the z-axis values for the PLC (Zplc). Then a file structure needs to be setup for the Frauenhofer calibration software. This is located in C:/Lemnatec/3DScanner/CalibratorInput. Then open cmd and run C:/Files/LemnaTec/PhenoCenter/<version#>/PhenoCenter/Environment.exe DriverTestDialog and select _Do_Calib_.


  1. backup everything in C:/Lemnatec/3DScanner/CalibratorInput plus save CalibrationConfig.calib

  2. remove imaging deck frame and install calibration target

  3. Open phenocenter and setup experiment (no db import, don’t delete files) and job, setting z = 340 and y = 700 in the camera settings. Don’t go lower than 350 because you will risk hitting the target. Also, you can’t use negative plant height so you wn’t be able to scan at 20 cm. x=64 seems to work well.

  4. Run the job for plant heights 0-220 in 10 mm increments
    • plantheight 0 mm = 20 cm above the target
    • plantheight 100 mm = 30 cm above the target
    • plantheight 200 mm = 40 cm above the target
  5. Move the snapshot folders to C:/LemnaTec/3DScanner/CalibratorInput and rename each snapshot folder 340 (plantheight = 0) to 140 (highest plantheight). Also unpack each .rawx and the enclosed image.raw file. Save the .png and .ply in the upper most directory for the scan, e.g. 140.

  6. In each numbered directory, you need an a captureResultInfo.xml that looks like the example below.

  7. Each numbered directory also needs a corresponding captureResultInfo_<plantheight>_DistanceInMM_<dist>.xml at the same level as the directory. Dist = 534 to 734 in increments of 10. plant height = 0 corresponds to dist = 734. Each xml file should follow the pattern below. PeakPath refers to height map .png, GrayPath refers to Intensity map .png.
	<Sensor SensorName="sensor_01">
		<CaptureData PeakPath="C:\LemnaTec\3DScanner\CalibratorInput\340\sensor0_Height.png" GreyPath="C:\LemnaTec\3DScanner\CalibratorInput\340\sensor0_Intensity.png"/>
	<Sensor SensorName="sensor_02">
		<CaptureData PeakPath="C:\LemnaTec\3DScanner\CalibratorInput\340\sensor1_Height.png" GreyPath="C:\LemnaTec\3DScanner\CalibratorInput\340\sensor1_Intensity.png"/>
  1. open the phenocenter debug tools, connect to 3d scanner

  2. in cmd run C:/Files/LemnaTec/PhenoCenter/<version#>/PhenoCenter/Environment.exe DriverTestDialog

  3. Select Fraunhofer camera and create a driver

  4. Run _Do_Calib_ calibration tool. This should result in CalibrationResult.calib in C:/LemnaTec/3DScanner/CalibratorInput. Move this up one level to C:/LemnaTec/3DScanner for lemna software to find when merging the point clouds.

Other Notes

If there is an output folder in 3DScanner this is used as a temporary directory during the processing of the .png to .ply