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my snippets and notes for compact plants phenomics center at WSU

barcode labels

The barcodes can be changed on the trays. They must be coded with format 128 for the hotel scanner to work properly. The handheld unit will read other codes so I was running in circles when I tried to use the handheld to check my barcodes because they wouldn’t work in the hotel. The other difficulty with the hotel barcodes is you can’t see the laser so it is not apparent how wide the barcodes can be. Ultimately I found the scan width to be narrower than expected.

After much trial and error, new labels can be printed using the Avery 5160 or Avery 22206 templates in barcode_labels. I actually bought off brand sheets on amazon and settled on the Avery templates because they seemed to work and there was a reasonably intuitive online interface where you could upload a csv of labels for creating the pdfs. If you stick with A1-F7 format you should be able to print the Avery*.pdf on the label pages and be done.